by Merrill R. (Rick) Chapman In addition to being the editor of Softletter, I'm ALSO the author of In Search of Stupidity: Over Twenty Years of High-Tech Marketing Disasters, a book that's about just what it says. And when I see something I regard as truly dumb, I take notice. A couple of weeks ago I received an E-mail from an Indian outsourcing company called "Panzer Technologies" offering their SaaS development services to moi. Here's an excerpt from the E-mail: "Dear Manager, Hope you are doing good today. My name is Ranveer Singh, Sales Support Specialist with Panzer Technologies. We offer offshore development solutions to our clients and offshore Dedicated Staff Development services. We have a plan, to cut your company's expenses and make it more profitable. Our prices just can't be ignored when you run a business." I promptly sent back a note stating the following: "Panzer Technologies. That may be the worst name for a company I’ve ever heard. What’s next? Waffen SS Java?" I then received the following note from Ranveer: +++You doesn't justify you (sic) company name as well, by seeing you your company name should be Hard Letter not soft. Thanks but no thanks. Ranveer Singh...+++...
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